Saturday 19 June 2010

I have no idea who I am.

Monday 14 June 2010

Hey, 'Girl'

Such delicious weather

Big angry grey sky with purple and yellow smudges that look like bruises, some fat drops of rain, and wind that shakes the trees outside my window like they're enjoying it - I think they should, anyway; some variety in their lives! (the gnarled trees and little hill in my garden are unusual, I think... letting you pretend you're not in suburbia... )

Today I had a staring contest with a photo of Wittgenstein; I think we bonded. I could see him on long blustery, brooding walks with his brown tweed jacket flapping around his sides, having rampant love affairs with beautiful women, hurling a chalky eraser at some jumped-up Oxford twat, and in the moment of realisation that this, his human existence, was the truth he could speak of.

Today I pretended to be an 'American'.
Lola: "Hey guurl, ya wanna dance?"
"Hey boy, awesome denim jacket you have there, and gee I'd just love to dance!"
So we danced to the Drums (in keeping with the fantasy), and Frightened Rabbit (not.), and I was duly informed that Luke Skywalker the American will "do magic tricks, fly the spaceship and have picnics with you, my girlfriend, my beayoodee"

Sounds perfect.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Mad ramblings of a jealous hyprocrite

cyberworld... a veritable battle field where the conflicts we dare not play out in real life come vibrantly alive. But:

a person cannot be summed up in a matter of a few lines (although they can be in just one line; 'I like them' - for me, and a few other people I know, to say this actually denotes an awful lot of qualities.
hmm, actually, that was probably as lie; there's no such thing as 'summing up' a person. or summing up anything. Except maybe 'Cromwell was a twat' - that I can roll with!)

oh life. how sweet you are.

quick little update on my thinking just at the moment, folks (my 5 whole followers, plus a couple of covert spies...!):
decided that I quite like being a flawed human being. Hooray for follies! out of mistakes comes forth the sweetness. or not. either way!
flaws and feelings are fun, or at least, on a less flippant note, they are a defining feature of humanity, so perhaps to try and escape them is in a sense less 'true' than seeking truth.

(also decided that objective truth might not actually exist - I know, gasp! complete revolution in thought! But understanding other people's perspective is still good... an objective HUMAN truth would still be handy... or nice... or something! but more on that later!)

thanks for listening, everyone

Wednesday 2 June 2010

if you fall asleep down by the water, baby i'll carry you all the way home.